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盡管這些鏈接指向完全不同的目標(每個不同的鏈接都使用了名稱“Aston Martin”),但它們看上去幾乎一樣,這就違反了上述的法則4;再加上所有的鏈接都包含了相同的內容(vehicle model [車輛類型]),這就使得超鏈接更加不明顯。

If I click on "Aston Martin DB7 GT", I would expect to get general information about the Aston Martin DB7 GT car. This breaks Principle 3, because the link is not accurately describing what I’ll get if I click it.

如果我點擊“Aston Martin DB7 GT”這個鏈接,希望獲取關于“Aston Martin DB7 GT”型汽車的大體信息。但是,我發(fā)現最終獲取的信息和鏈接的描述存在出入。那么,這就違反了法則3。

What should they do?

The "thing you get" is the information about a particular car. The thing that represents the particular car is the entire table row. There is no other unique identifier for the car (mileage, price etc. aren’t necessarily unique). Therefore, the whole row should be the clickable hyperlink. (It would also be helpful if the row changed colour/tone on mouseover).

“thing you get [你所獲取的資料]”應該是與一輛汽車相關的信息,這些代表特定車型的信息應該占據整個表格列;同時,因為這里沒有包含具體車型信息(如:英里數、價格等)的確認對象,所以,表格的整列必須作為可點擊的超鏈接對象。(如果鼠標移至超鏈接上能夠產生變色效果的話,將更有助于辨認)。

Expressing size in hyperlinks

It’s quite common to find computers putting out this kind of information to set user’s expectations when linking to a file:

如:PDF (46,764 bytes)

Thinking about the user’s goals, what they need is to know roughly how long the download will take: will it be a few seconds, or minutes? That’s generally as accurate as it needs to be.


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